This page contains information about:

How Cialis® Together works
How it can help people with ED
Safety information
What healthcare experts say
Guidance for supply
Downloadable resources

Cialis® Together: a fast-acting and long-lasting medicine for erection difficulties

Stays effective up to 36 hours,
only when sexually stimulated

Starts working
from 30 minutes
after administration1

Absorption not
affected by food1

Now available
without prescription

From arousal to erection: how Cialis® Together works

Cialis® Together contains 10mg of tadalafil, which increases blood flow to the penis during sexual stimulation. This helps people with erectile dysfunction (ED) to get and maintain an erection for successful intercourse for up to 36 hours, but only when sexually aroused.

Cialis® Together belongs to a class of drugs called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. These treatments block the action of the PDE5 enzyme a protein that normally works to make an erect penis soft again.3,4 By blocking PDE5, Cialis® Together enhances the effect of the body’s natural erection producing chemicals, like nitric oxide (NO) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP).4,5

This causes relaxation of smooth muscle in the penile tissues, leading to inflow of blood to the penis, which produces an erection.4

Cialis® Together only works with sexual stimulation, and the erection should subside after sexual activity.

The science behind Cialis® Together

In two clinical studies involving 706 patients with ED, Cialis® Together demonstrated significant improvement vs placebo in:

  • Erectile function and ability to have successful intercourse up to 36 hours after dosing1
  • Ability to attain and maintain erections as early as 30 minutes following 10 mg dosing.1

When it comes to ED medication, time matters

Safety and tolerability

Generally well tolerated,
with a similar safety profile to sildenafil6,7

Supported by 20 years
of real-world clinical experience
as a prescription-only medicine8

Commonly reported side effects (occuring in ≥1/100 to <1/10 patients)
of Cialis® Together are headache, flushing, nasal congestion, dyspepsia,
back pain, myalgia and pain in extremities.

Please, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine by reporting side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at:

The reported adverse reactions were transient, and generally mild or moderate.

Cialis® Together has negligible influence on the ability to drive or use machines. Although the frequency of reports of dizziness in placebo and tadalafil arms in clinical trials was similar, patients should be aware of how they react to Cialis® Together, before driving or using machines.

See Cialis® Together Summary of Product Characteristics for full safety information.

What healthcare experts say

Providing Cialis® Together

Cialis Together Treatment (Tadalafil) for erectile dysfunction – 10mg
  • Indicated in adult men (aged ≥18 years) with ED

  • Recommended dose of Cialis® Together is one 10mg tablet taken at least 30 minutes prior to anticipated sexual activity

  • Maximum dose frequency is one tablet per day. Cialis® Together is not recommended for continuous daily use. Men who use this product frequently (i.e. at least twice weekly) should consult their physician to discuss whether a once-daily regimen with the lowest doses of tadalafil would be more suitable

  • Can be taken  with or without food, consumption of alcohol shall be limited to small or moderate amounts

Cialis® Together is available to order from your wholesaler of choice.

  • Adult men with ED who are ≥18 years of age are suitable for Cialis® Together.

    No dose adjustments required in:

    • Elderly patients

    • Patients with mild or moderate hepatic or renal impairment

    • Patients with diabetes*

    * Specific interaction studies with antidiabetic medicinal products were not conducted.

    See Cialis® Together Summary of Product Characteristics for full eligibility criteria and warnings and precautions.

  • Cialis® Together is not indicated for women, or men under 18 years of age. It is not intended for use by men without ED.

    Other patients who should not take Cialis® Together include:

    • Men with cardiac disease for whom sexual activity is inadvisable

    • Patients who have loss of vision in one eye due to non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy

    • People who use nitric oxide donors (such as amyl nitrite [“poppers”], nicorandil or molsidomine) or nitrates in any form

    • Patients taking guanylate cyclase stimulators such as riociguat

    • Patients with anatomical deformations of the penis

    • Patients with hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients listed in section 6.1 of the Summary of Product Characteristics

    The following groups of patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) are also not suitable:

    • Myocardial infarction within the last 90 days

    • Unstable angina or angina occurring during sexual intercourse

    • New York Heart Association Class 2 or greater heart failure in the last 6 months

    • Uncontrolled arrhythmias, hypotension (<90/50mmHG), or uncontrolled hypertension

    • Stroke within the last 6 months

    See Cialis® Together Summary of Product Characteristics for full eligibility criteria and warnings and precautions.

  • Refer patients to their GP before providing Cialis® Together if they:

    • Have conditions that may predispose them to priapism (such as sickle cell anaemia, multiple myeloma or leukaemia)
    • Are receiving concomitant treatment with alpha blockers or CYP3A4 inhibitors
    • Have severe renal or hepatic impairment
    • Have undergone pelvic surgery or radical non-nerve sparing prostatectomy
    • Have a known hereditary degenerative retinal disorder such as retinitis pigmentosa
    • Have left ventricular outflow obstruction or multiple system atrophy
    • Show no improvement of ED symptoms after taking Cialis® Together on several consecutive occasions or if ED worsens

    See Cialis® Together Summary of Product Characteristics for full eligibility criteria and warnings and precautions.

You’re not just helping patients. You’re helping their partners too9,10

questions about cialis together

Talking together

Sometimes, talking about sensitive subjects like ED requires a bit more consideration.

To help you out, we've included some conversation starters that might be useful when discussing ED and Cialis® Together with your patients.

  • ED is when a person cannot get, or keep a hard, erect penis suitable for sexual activity. It can occur at any age but is most common in people over 40 years old.11

  • Cialis® Together works by increasing blood flow into your penis when you’re sexually stimulated, helping you to get and keep an erection.

  • Cialis® Together works for up to 36 hours after you take it, whereas sildenafil lasts for around 4 hours.1,2  With Cialis® Together, you can also eat a meal without the risk of delaying its effect. The effectiveness and safety of Cialis® Together are similar to that of sildenafil.7

  • One tablet will help you respond to your partner for up to 36 hours. This doesn’t mean you will have a constant erection for 36 hours, as you need to be sexually stimulated for Cialis® Together to work.

  • Obesity, smoking, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption and substance abuse can all contribute to ED.11 As well as taking your ED medication, could you make any changes to your current lifestyle to try and limit these risk factors?

  • Your ED could be an early warning sign of another condition, like heart disease or diabetes.

    It is recommended to schedule an appointment with your GP in the next 6 months for a health check, where they might look at things like testosterone, blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

  • Most people will achieve an erection the first or second time they use Cialis® Together.

    However, patients may need to take Cialis® Together a number of times on different occasions (maximum one 10mg tablet per day) before they can achieve a penile erection satisfactory for sexual activity. If symptoms of ED have not improved after taking Cialis® Together on several consecutive occasions, or if their erectile dysfunction worsens, patients should be advised to consult their physician.

  • Patients can consume alcohol with Cialis® Together. However, excessive alcohol consumption may temporarily reduce a man's ability to get an erection, and consuming alcohol with Cialis® Together may increase the risk of dizziness when standing up. Patients should be advised not to drink large amounts of alcohol before sexual activity.12

Pharmacy materials

Learn how your pharmacy and Cialis® Together can help those with ED.

Some handy resources to support you in providing Cialis® Together, from the initial patient consultation through to repeat purchases and patient referral.

Pharmacist checklist quick guide

A concise guide to assist assessment of a patient’s suitability for Cialis® Together


Checklist for patient use

Completed by patients to determine their suitability for Cialis® Together


Referral and repeat purchase cards

Information cards to complete and give to patients based on the outcome of their assessment


Pharmacy guide

Summarises key product information to aid understanding of who is suitable for Cialis® Together and what advice to give


Full Cialis® Together product information

Did you know?

A projected 8 million men in the UK experienced ED in 202113

Click below to find out more about ED.

Learn more

Ready to give your patients
with ED more time* to be spontaneous?2,6,14

Offer them Cialis® Together.
Now available without a prescription

* Compared with sildenafil.14